Friday, July 31, 2009

Through the Years

After taking our group picture of the three of us at Jen's baby shower this past weekend, Eleni, Jen and I got to thinking that we had the same exact picture of all 3 of us at each of our past 2 respective baby showers. We have each been each others hostesses for our baby showers at work, therefore we have taken this same picture now 3 times in the past 2 years. Here's a little blast from the past showing all three pictures.

Eleni's Shower - Summer 2007

Tracy's Shower - Summer 2008

Jen's Shower - Summer 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Congratulations Drake Family

Our good friends Eleni and Scott Drake welcomed their second son into the world on July 28th. Evan August Drake was born at 1:20pm and weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 inches long. We are so happy for them and can't wait for future get-togethers with added kids in the mix. An added bonus is that baby Evan and I share a birthday. CONGRATULATIONS Drake family!!!! We couldn't be happier for you.Me and my birthday buddyThe Drake family (minus big brother Wes)

Baby Alvey Shower

On Sunday, I helped host a baby shower for one of my great friends Jen Alvey. She is having a baby in September, but doesn't know what she is having, so the theme of the shower was "It's a Surprise." Everything about the shower was a surprise including the food, favors, and of course baby Alvey. Everything was a success and Jen received some wonderful things for her new arrival. We are so excited to meet he/she and add another little one to the craziness of get-togethers.
All of the food was something stuffed/filled/coated, therefore it was a "surprise" what you were going to be eating.
Me, Jen (the guest of honor), and Eleni (the other hostess)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Landscaping DONE

Jason has been working on landscaping the last few weeks and was able to finish it up last night. These are just a few pictures showing off the new stuff.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Eleven Months Old

Lucy is eleven months old today. It's so hard to believe that she will be a year old next month. She is growing up so fast. She's soooooo close to walking, we expect it to be any day now. She has 3 of her 4 molars already, and surprisingly has done really well with getting them in. In honor of her today, I thought I would make a list of "Lucy's favorite things." In no particular order, they are:
  • Molly, the dog
  • Any toy that can shake and make noise
  • Crawling EVERYWHERE
  • Walking with her walker
  • "Booming" - a game we like to play on the bed when she is sitting up and we say "boom" and Lucy will fall backwards to land on the soft surface. She thinks it's hilarious.
  • Favorite foods - mandarin oranges, hot dogs, nilla wafers, lil' crunchies, macaroni and cheese, pancakes, green beans, peas, and carrots
  • Jibber-jabbering
  • Playing patty-cake
  • Giving "fives"
  • Waving "bye-bye"
  • Playing outside

We can't wait until next month when we get to celebrate her first birthday. Time has gone by so fast. We can't remember what life was like before Lucy. She brings such joy to each and every day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lucy's drawer obsession

Lucy's newest obsession is opening any drawer that she can get her hands on. However, she doesn't understand how to close them yet, and often gets her fingers pinched, but she definitely has fun removing anything from the drawer that she can. This time it was napkin rings and placemats.

Lucy's "new" toy

We collapsed Lucy's exersaucer in order to make her walker (the middle legs came out to make a walker). We hadn't gotten around to putting the top away for good yet, so the other day, Lucy decided that she would crawl into the middle and play with it the way that it was. She curled up her legs and still spun around and played with all of the toys (since she was unable to stand in it anymore). Therefore, we haven't put it away yet, because she seems to enjoy this new way of playing with it. (By the way...I promise that Lucy smiles all of the time, however, I can't seem to get her to smile for pictures very well, so most of her pictures are very serious.)

Outdoor Play

Lucy loves being outside. Whether it's going for a walk in the stroller, sitting on a blanket playing with Tori (the neighbor who is 4 days older than her), or crawling around the entire yard exploring. I can already tell that she will be one that will probably prefer to play outside and will definitely be bored being inside for too long. Here are some recent pictures from her outdoor activities lately.

Every once in awhile she keeps a hat on

Concentrating while coming down the slide

Swinging with daddy

Using her garden tools to "help" daddy in the yard

Lucy and her classic tongue smile

Best Buds?

That's what Lucy thinks. She will follow Molly anywhere that she goes. Lucy can say a few words, but the only one that she says and then points to what she is saying is "duh" (her pronunciation for dog). She loves all dogs. Molly has a slightly different opinion of Lucy, but I couldn't pass up this opportunity for a brief moment of "closeness." I'm sure they will be best buds sooner or later.