Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brown County

My mom's ENTIRE family all got together in Brown County this summer.  Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and her 4 brothers and sisters, as well as all of their families.  We did this same get together 5 years ago.  It is easier for us to get together in the summer rather than Christmas because of conflicting school schedules, traveling out of state, etc.  So, we all packed up and headed south.  It was so much fun to see everyone and hang out as a family.  We ate lunches and dinners together, hung out at the pool, the boys played golf, the girls shopped, and there was lots of fun and laughter.  Be aware, there are ALOT of pictures to follow.
The gang's all here 
Mom and her brothers and sisters with Grandma and Grandpa 
Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids and great-grandkids 
Our family 
My Uncle Tony and his family 
My Uncle Dan and his family 
My Aunt Sandi and her family 
My Aunt Angie and her husband

The trip included a few stops at the pool, which was probably Lucy's favorite part.
Daddy helping Lucy swim
Lucy preparing to jump in while Mommy watches
The whole gang hanging poolside
The boys liked swimming too
I told you she loved to swim
Our family of 5 hanging out in the pool

On another day, the boys went golfing.  Our cabins sat on the golf course, so all of the rest of us came out and watched when they got to the hole outside our rooms.
Grandpa and Dad were just along for the ride to watch
My brother Mark and Jason
My Uncle Tony and Uncle Dan
Lucy had to go out and supervise
Lucy helping Daddy with his game
How cute are they??

There was also just alot of hanging out and goofing around
Lucy playing with Amber
Now it's Amber's turn to wheelbarrow Lucy
This is what the outside of our cabins looked like overlooking the golf course.  We were all next to each other to make things alot easier.
Picture time
While Grandma and Grandpa and their kids went to their own dinner, the rest of the crew ventured out for our own dinner.  We took up alot of space.
Lucy and Mommy at dinner
Lucy and Logan being silly in the cabin
Lucy and Logan got to take a bath together
I even got some snuggle time with my little girl

It was very common to see someone holding one of the twins.  They were very popular.
Katherine and Lucas 
Sandi and Liam 
Alicia and Lucas 
Peyton and Liam 
Lillie and Lucas 
Madeline with Lucas on the left and Liam on the right

Friday, July 15, 2011

FOUR Months Old

(Lucas - left, Liam - right)
(Lucas - left, Liam - right)

The twins are four months old.  They continue to keep growing.  They smile and laugh all the time.  They continue to be more and more awake throughout the day and slowly but surely, evening time is getting better.  At their 4 month appointment, it was amazing to see how much they had grown.  Liam is now 13 pounds 3 1/2 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long.  Lucas is now 13 pounds 1 1/2 ounces and is 25 inches long.  They are starting to show signs of having flatter heads from being on their backs so much.  This is a somewhat common occurence with multiples, given the fact that their is also a toddler in the house that needs attention.  They spend more time laying down then most newborns.  Just have to be more aggressive with tummy time and see what happens.  Lucy still loves her role as a big sister.  She is very helpful at getting things that we need for the boys.  We are so blessed to have such a great family.