Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lucy's Birthday Party

Lucy's birthday party was this past weekend.  The theme was Minnie Mouse.  She had so much fun celebrating with all her family and friends. 
The pretty birthday girl in her party outfit
Eating dinner with her friends
The "cake"
Opening a slew of presents.  She had lots of help which was good.  After opening the first present, she took the book that was in the present and plopped down on the couch to start looking at it.  We had to show her that there were many more to go.
Her new bike from daddy and mommy
Trying to blow out the birthday candles.  She wasn't successful, but when she had a cupcake the next day, and I let her try it again, she was able to blow it out.  It must have been all the pressure.
She preferred to eat the icing of the cupcake as opposed to the cupcake itself.
She hit everyone up to look at books with her.  First up, Eleni.
then Scott
and finally, Uncle Mark.  She usually will have nothing to do with Mark for some reason, but I think he found the key to her heart, reading a good book.
The best family picture we could get.  We did this at the end of the evening and Lucy was exhausted.  Next time, the family picture will be taken first.

Two Years Old

Lucy officially turned two years old on August 19th.  She had her 2 year doctor appointment the following day.  The doctor said she was "perfect."  She has met all of the milestones necessary for her age.  Her official stats are:
Height:  35 inches (81st percentile)
Weight: 26.5 pounds (48th percentile)

She is at such a fun age.  Here are some fun Lucy 2 year facts:

  • Talks nonstop and can tell us pretty much everything she wants

  • Along with nonstop talking comes a temper when she doesn't get her way.  She has her pouting skills perfected.

  • LOVES animals.  We make frequent trips to the petstore just so she can see animals (when there isn't time for the zoo.)

  • Is still fascinated by all books.  She has a few books that she can "read" all by herself.  She can say one or two words from each page that she remembers from it being read to her over and over.

  • Loves to chase and play with the dog.  Molly is getting better about not immediately running away if Lucy comes near.  I think they will be good buddies.

  • Is in the very beginning stages of potty training.  She will sit on a potty for awhile, but so far no actually production in the potty.  It's still early, so we aren't pushing it.

  • She moved to the next room at daycare.  She's now the youngest again, but already has done a ton in the new room.  They are always making/doing projects, so there are lots of things that she is bringing home.  She's still adjusting though, and drop-offs still end in tears, but she'll get used to the new room and teachers soon.

  • Loves all things Mickey Mouse and Princess.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still a favorite and the movie in the car is usually a Disney Princess movie.

  • LOVES being outside and playing with the kids in the neighborhood, especially the next door neighbor Tori who is only 4 days older than Lucy.

  • Can identify most shapes and colors (when she's not being silly and saying the wrong thing on purpose)
She amazes us every day with something new that she has learned to say or do.  It's so much fun to watch the wheels turning.  She's an absolute joy in our lives and we can't wait for what's ahead.

Lucy's New Favorite Toy

Lucy received a slightly early birthday present, her new kitchen.  It's her favorite thing to play with when she is upstairs in her playroom.  She likes to "make" food and bring it to you on the couch so you can "eat" it.  She is also very aware that it needs batteries.  So everytime she pushes the buttons, she looks at you and says, "batteries?"  I'm sure it will be even more fun when everything on it works.

Fairs, Fairs, and more Fairs

We visited a few fairs this summer. Lucy loves animals, so it was a good opportunity to see animals and eat some yummy food. We went to the Hamilton County Fair, Johnson County Fair, and the Indiana State Fair.
Lucy loved the llamas
The goat was trying to eat Lucy's shirt
Lucy played a "grab the duck" game.  She was able to keep picking ducks until she won.  She loved it.
We couldn't get both kids to look at the camera, but the cow cooperated.
Man those horses were big
A fair is not complete without a "round and round"
You were able to buy feed to give to the goats.  You could tell these goats had been doing this for awhile.  Lucy thought it was fun to have them lick her hands.  However, she did NOT like to feed the pigs.  They were a little rougher and would root and kind of nibble on her hand.  She burst into tears, followed by saying, "no pigs, no pigs."  Sorry Papaw Gordon and Uncle Mark, Lucy doesn't share your love of pigs.
being silly
This one is for Papaw Gordon
Lucy even got to ride a real pony.  I kept asking her if she wanted to ride a horse, and she thought I was talking about the "round and round."  She really liked it though.
Proof that she got to ride a pony

Holiday World

At the end of July, we traveled to Holiday World with Jason's side of the family.  We had such a great time.  Lucy was still too small to go on very many rides, but we had fun none the less.  The adults took turns riding the big coasters with Kobe.  Jason and I hadn't been on a coaster in years.  We had so much fun and can't wait to do it again.
If there is a "round and round," it must be ridden.  I think we rode it at least 10 times.
The splash park is always a hit
Mamaw Kim and her girls
Lucy and Alexa discussing what we should do next
The girls ride for the day
The moms and the kids
Family picture