Monday, May 25, 2009

Wedding Weekend

My brother got married this past weekend. The whole family was in the wedding. Lucy survived riding in a wagon down the aisle with 2 other little girls. Absolutely no crying. They all kept their flower halos on. It was perfect. It was a busy weekend, but we had so much fun. The entire family was home including some uncles and cousins from out of state that don't make it home often, so it was a great weekend. Plus, we gained another family member. Kayleigh is amazing and we couldn't be happier that she is now a part of our family. I had my camera with me, but didn't take a single picture, so I borrowed some pictures from my aunt. Here you go. Congrats Mark and Kayleigh. WE LOVE YOU!!!

The 3 flower girls being pulled by the wagon (Lucy's in the middle)

Kayleigh, the beautiful bride, coming down the aisle

A sea of bubbles

Mommy and Lucy

Daddy and Lucy

The happy couple

Our ride to the reception (not Lucy's ride, don't worry)

Cutting the cake

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nine Months Old

Lucy is 9 months old today. I had to give up on the idea of doing Lucy's picture in the brown chair as with all of the previous pictures. She was not having it, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep that girl still. So basically wherever I could get her to stand still for an extended period of time, I slipped in the sign, and that's how I got my picture. Here is the end result.
Lucy also had her 9 month appointment yesterday. Unfortunately, she still has an ear infection, so we are off to an ENT. The pediatrician wants to make sure that her hearing hasn't been affected and to get their opinion on what the next step needs to be. So we are on yet another antibiotic and we'll see what happens next. Other than that, everything was perfect. Here are her stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (55th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (81st percentile)

Here is what Lucy is up to these days. She is:
  • crawling absolutely everywhere, mostly after the dog
  • pulling herself up to her knees and sometimes tries to put a foot up flat, but hasn't quite gotten the pulling herself up to standing.
  • loving all toys that play music because then she can dance
  • consistently sleeping through the night. She has been doing this for about a month. She had always been doing it in spurts, but now it seems to have become the standard.
  • completely off of baby food. Once we gave her the good stuff, there was no turning back. She is self feeding herself all kinds of table food. Some of her favorites are peas, carrots, mandarin oranges, turkey, green beans, goldfish, graham crackers, Nilla wafers, lil cruchies, and anything bread.
  • saying ma-ma, da-da, na-na
  • waving bye-bye
  • drinking from a sippy cup for all of her meals and snacks. She still has 3 bottles a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one at bedtime).

    She continues to be an absolute joy in our lives. It seems like she learns something new every day. It is so much fun to watch her explore each and every day and try and figure new things out. We look forward to all the days to come.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lucy Playing Hoops

Lucy also figured out what she is supposed to do with her basketball goal all by herself. I turned around to see the basketball in her hand and her trying to put the ball through the hoop.

Lucy Dancing

Lucy discovered how to work her Crawl and Cruise zoo yesterday by herself. Usually we have to push the buttons to make it play music, however she figured it out. Once she did, this is what she did.

Remainder of Cincy Trip

I'm a little late in posting this, but oh well. We spent Friday morning of our trip at the Newport Aquarium. Lucy definitely seemed to notice some of the things that were swimming around there, or at least it seemed like it. After lunch, we headed to IKEA. I really wish we had one of those closer to home. I absolutely LOVE that store. We bought lots of random things for the house then headed back to the hotel to get ready for the Reds baseball game. The rain ended just in time for the game and Lucy enjoyed her first MLB game. She fell asleep in about the 7th inning, so we headed back to the hotel. Fortunately, the Red won. Then Saturday morning, we packed up and headed home. We had a great time. Although it was a short trip, it was nice to get away for a few days and have some family time. Here are a few pics from the aquarium.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cincy Day 1 and 2

We decided to take a few days off and take a little family trip down to Cincinnati for a few days. We intended to leave a little earlier the first day, so by the time we got down there, we only had time for a little swimming, dinner, then bedtime. The weatherman wasn't forecasting very clear skies for day two, but luckily, he was wrong, and it was very warm and very sunny all day, so we spent the day at the zoo. We had a great day. Lucy is still too young to know what's going on, but she was a trooper all day long, just hanging out and watching all the other little kids running around. We can't wait until next summer when she can run around and be excited about the animals as well.

Lucy hanging out in the hotel when we arrived

Lucy and Daddy in the poolLucy "swimming"

The family at the zoo

Some of the animals that we saw at the zoo
Lucy after our long day at the zoo