Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween and Pumpkin Patch

During the Fall/Halloween season, we made a few trips to Stoney Creek Farms Pumpkin Patch.  Lucy had so much fun this year with all of the activities that they have at the farm.  This will definitely be something that we do each year.
Riding the pumpkin train
Jumping in the giant haystack
Finding the perfect pumpkin
At home showing off her pumpkin selection 
Jumping on the big "pillow" with daddy 
More jumping 
Lucy and Mommy (it was very windy that day) 
As always, Lucy LOVED the animals 
Daddy took Lucy to a Halloween dress up at IU in Bloomington.  They got to watch basketball and she got to wear her Halloween costume again. 
Lucy in her Tinkerbell costume 
Lucy and Tori went around the neighborhood trick or treating.  It was VERY cold outside, but they still had fun.

The Bills' Going Away Party

Up until now, the group of high school friends that I ran around with have remained close in vicinity to each other.  We all lived within an hour of each other.  Well, that has officially changed.  April and Chad and family have officially moved to Minnesota and in honor of them we had a going away party.
It was Halloween, so Lucy was rocking her Halloween outfit (along with a silly hat)
Some of the kids wrestling with Lauren
Playing outside
Lucy found a good climbing tree
Our number of kids between all of us keeps rising (currently 7, with 3 more on the way)
All of us girls (Morgan and I are pregnant)
All of us girls with all the kids.  Quite the group.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Future of IU Basketball?

Snagged a photo from "Night of the Living Red" at IU, I could get used to seeing these three kids with the candy striped pants.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mary's Wedding

I had the honor of standing up at my cousin Mary's wedding.  She made a beautiful bride and it was a gorgeous day.  I was so happy to be a part of such a great union of a great couple.  Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dollarhide

The new Mr. and Mrs.

Our ride to the reception (that's how we do it in Rush County)

Lucy loved the dance floor

Family photo

This was one of the professional photos that were taken of the wedding party.  So cool!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby #2......and #3

This is a long overdue post.  Jason, Lucy, and I are proud to announce that we will be adding two more Eders to the family in 2011.  We found out at the beginning of September that we are having TWINS and then at the end of September found out that they are identical.  My official due date is April 15, 2011, but with twins I'm sure they will make an early appearance.  Things have been pretty good so far.  I think I'm mostly over the sickness part.  I'm still exhausted all the time, but part of that is from chasing around a two year old as well.  The ultrasound picture is pretty cool to see two of them in there.  Lucy seems excited, but I'm not really sure she fully understands how her life is going to change.  She will make a great big sister and we are super excited to be adding two more little ones to the family.