Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Bills' Going Away Party

Up until now, the group of high school friends that I ran around with have remained close in vicinity to each other.  We all lived within an hour of each other.  Well, that has officially changed.  April and Chad and family have officially moved to Minnesota and in honor of them we had a going away party.
It was Halloween, so Lucy was rocking her Halloween outfit (along with a silly hat)
Some of the kids wrestling with Lauren
Playing outside
Lucy found a good climbing tree
Our number of kids between all of us keeps rising (currently 7, with 3 more on the way)
All of us girls (Morgan and I are pregnant)
All of us girls with all the kids.  Quite the group.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

we used to take much goofier pictures together! remember that?! haha! thanks for updating - i was hoping you would continue with the blog. ;o)