Friday, February 26, 2010

Animal Sounds

This isn't the best video ever, but it may be all that I can get for awhile. I took this video of Lucy imitating her animal sounds. As I was playing it back to see how it looked, she became obsessed with the baby on the screen and watching the video. Now, every time she sees the camera, she says, "baby?" and wants to watch the video. I then showed her the video on the laptop, so now she tries to pick up the laptop, saying the same thing so that she can watch the video over and over and over again. I wanted to take a new video with more of her animal sounds, but she is only interested in seeing the baby on the screen, and not cooperating with my video. This will have to do for now. ENJOY!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

18 Months Old

As of February 19th, Lucy is officially 18 months old. It is so hard to believe. She is growing up so fast and learning so much, it absolutely blows our minds. She had her 18 month appointment yesterday, and here are her stats.
Weight: 25 pounds (59th percentile)
Height: 33.5 inches (91st percentile)

Like always, she remains tall and skinny, just like daddy. It's making it harder and harder for clothes to fit. Shirts are too short, pants that fit around the waist are too short, pants that are long enough are too big around the waist.

It seems like she learns tons of new things everyday. It's so much fun to watch her little mind at work, soaking up everything that she can. She also has developed an opinion. If she asks for a snack, you can go through the list of things that you have to offer, and she will answer either "yes" or "no" based on what she wants, whereas previously you could just hand her something and she would eat it. Of course this also means you could make it through the entire list and everything is a "no," since "no" is a favorite word around here.

Here is what Lucy is up to these days:
  • Starting to wear 24month clothes, can still wear some 18month
  • Sleeps from 8pm-6:30am on daycare days and 8pm-8am/9am on other days
  • Takes one nap a day (usually around 2 hours long)
  • Starting to use utensils for meals. She usually asks for them if you don't get them out, but won't use them the entire time because they aren't as effecient as her hands.
  • She is a VERY good eater. She will eat most things that you put in front of her, or at least try them. She definitely has her standby favorites that most kids have (hotdogs, mac n' cheese, chicken nuggets, etc.) However, I think she might turn into some kind of fruit (namely mandarin oranges). She absolutely LOVES fruit.
  • Saying ALL kinds of words. Just to name a few: mama, dada, nana, papaw, mamaw, dog, hippo, milk, all done, bath, ball, apple, banana, sit, please, more, book, spoon, hot dog, baby, walk, water, shoe, sock, hair, eyes, belly, elbow, toes, coat, hat, slide, mickey, hello, bye bye. These are the ones that we hear on a regular basis as she knows the words with the object/person. She will repeat other things if you point to something and then tell her what it is.
  • Loves to point out her body parts: hair, eyes, ears, mouth, tongue, elbow, toes, belly, bottom, fingers.
  • Loves to mimic animal sounds: dog, cat, cow, sheep, pig, horse, lion, fish, snake, frog, duck, monkey
  • Still loves to read books. She has a few favorites that are read over and over again, but she will flip through any of them at any given time.
  • She is OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse (aka "Emmy," as she calls it). It's the only cartoon that she will actually sit still and watch on TV. It's the way that mommy and daddy get things done like laundry, dinner, etc for short periods of time.
  • Still loves to dance. She dances to any of her toys that play music, at school when they listen to mucic in her classroom, and at home when she wants us to turn on the IPOD.
  • She still isn't fond of strangers (basically anyone that isn't mommy or daddy). However, if you ask her to give someone a hug before we leave to go bye-bye, she goes right to them and give them a hug, even if she been shy to them all the way up until that point. She has ZERO shyness towards giving hugs to anyone.
  • She gives the BEST hugs and kisses. She gives them all the time, and there is nothing better.

    The past 18months have flown by. Lucy has changed so much and it has been so much fun to watch. We can't wait to see how much she continues to grow and change in the coming months. This is such a fun and exciting time

Snuggled on the couch to watch "Emmy"

Bundled up to go to school

Taking her baby for a walk

Reorganizing Mommy and Daddy's bathroom

She found the Tiffany's bag. She's learning early.

Reading her books. By far, her favorite thing to do.