Monday, July 12, 2010

Lucy's First Theatre Movie

We took Lucy to see her first theatre movie.  We saw Toy Story 3.  She sat through the entire thing and didn't make a peep.  She wouldn't sit by herself and instead sat on Mommy's lap the whole time, but she loved watching, in her words "giant Buzz."
Lucy loves her some popcorn
Very intently watching the screen.  This was before the lights went out, so she was OK sitting by herself.
I couldn't get her to look at the camera, she was too enthralled with the big screen.

Visit from Elizabeth

One of my college friends, Tara, came by for a visit with her adorable little girl Elizabeth.  We haven't seen each other in forever, and it ws great to catch up.  We'll definitely have to do it again.  Hopefully Lucy will be more fond of sharing her toys next time around.
Lucy won't get in her tent by herself, but as soon as she saw someone else do it, she had to be a part of it too.
Checking out what the backyard has to offer
Lucy is showing E how to play with the hammer.

More fun in Cincy

Lucy had some playtime with Evan too
Apparently a bathtub is optional in a hotel room, so we had to go to the Drakes' room to take baths with Wes and Evan.  Lucy didn't mind though.  They had lots of fun at bath time.
Wes taught Lucy how to blow bubbles in the water.
Lucy being silly
Watching some cartoons in their PJs
We tried 100 times to take this picture.  This is the best one that I got and Evan's eyes look creepy.  It was an impossible picture to take.
The Drakes also taught Lucy about pillow fights.  That became a nightly routine.
Lucy attacking Daddy with the pillow.
For some reason Lucy thought it was fun to watch herself do things in the mirror.  Here she is watching herself drink some gatorade.

Cincinnati with the Drakes

Over Fourth of July weekend, we took a mini vacation down to Cincinnati for the weekend with the Drakes.  We had lots of fun things planned to do.  It was crazy hot, but we still managed to have a great time.

First stop:  Cincinnati Zoo
Lucy was brave and touched a snake.
Checking out the animals
Riding the "round-and-round" with Wes.  I think Lucy rode that thing about 10 times.
Everyone took turns being in the stollers, pushing the strollers, riding on shoulders, or just plain walking.  We were there for a combined 6 hours (we went twice in one day).
Wes sharing his chips with Lucy. 
Lucy and Daddy.  She was more interested in the train going by than looking at the camera.
Not exactly sure what she is doing in this picture, but I thought it was cute.
Evan got in on the animal action as well.

Next Stop:  King's Island
Excited for the day ahead
Lucy got to meet Snoopy
Daddy, Lucy, and the Snoopy statue
Lucy's first roller coaster.  They waited in line too long, it was extremely hot, and it barely moved at all, but it was her first one none the less.
Then Lucy rode the Peanuts cars.  She really like them, until they stopped.
Then it was off to the water park.  Everyone was a little grumpy because it was so hot, so we needed to cool off.  The water park was just what the doctor ordered.  Lucy loved the water.
Evan isn't so sure about the water, so he hung out in the sun pool side.
Wes LOVED to splash everyone.
He got a taste of his own medicine.
Lucy having fun in the water.
Family picture.  There was a little bit of water on the camera, hence the faded spot.  That's what I get for taking the camera in the water.
All the kids were dead tired after the day.  They were asleep before we were in the car and stayed asleep for a LONG time.  We actually had to wake them up for dinner which made for some cranky toddlers.  It was a great day though.

Best Buddies

Lucy and Wes have been spending alot of time together lately. On a recent Saturday, we spent the whole day with the Drakes and had all kinds of fun.
First stop, the sandbox.
Wes was trying to teach Lucy the art of spraying each other with a spray bottle.
Then it was slide into the pool time.  Wes was "helping" Lucy up the slide.  This might be another blackmail picture in the future.
Chilling on the couch watching some TV.  You can see that they both have their loveys with them.  Lucy has Bunny and Wes has Rex.
Since it was so freaking hot, we hit up the splash park.  BEST PLACE EVER.  It is free and lots of fun for the kids.
Wes sure did enjoy it.
Apparently Lucy was thirsty.
Then back to the house for some dinner.

Calling a Truce?

I think Molly has finally figured out that Lucy isn't going anywhere, so she might as well embrace it.  She doesn't run and jump off the couch the instant Lucy joins her anymore.  I think these two are shaping up to be great buddies.

Weekend at Nana and Papaw's

A few weekends ago, we spent the weekend with Nana and Papaw while Daddy was in Fort Wayne playing golf.  We had tons of fun and Nana and Papaw got lots of play time with Lucy.
The playground is always a good place to start.  Lucy loves the slides and swings.
Lucy was showing me each piece of cereal she ate.  I just thought this was a cute picture.
Lucy trying out her new rocker
This is another one of those pictures she will hate me for when she grows up.  She is without a shirt because she got water all over it.  She figured out how to dispense water out of Nana and Papaw's fridge, therefore creating lots of messes that weekend.  She found Papaw's hat and Nana's shoes in the laundry room and had to have those.  Then thrown in the juice box and this is one good picture.
Nana then taught Lucy about licking the beaters after making cupcakes.  This is something my brother and I always did as kids, so of course, Lucy needed to be initiated.  Lucky her though, she got to have BOTH beaters.  She absolutely LOVED it.
Don't forget the spatula too.
Then we played outside with the hose.  It was mighty hot.
Then it was time to walk around Nana and Papaw's house and smell the flowers.
She had to check out every one of them.