Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend at Nana and Papaw's

A few weekends ago, we spent the weekend with Nana and Papaw while Daddy was in Fort Wayne playing golf.  We had tons of fun and Nana and Papaw got lots of play time with Lucy.
The playground is always a good place to start.  Lucy loves the slides and swings.
Lucy was showing me each piece of cereal she ate.  I just thought this was a cute picture.
Lucy trying out her new rocker
This is another one of those pictures she will hate me for when she grows up.  She is without a shirt because she got water all over it.  She figured out how to dispense water out of Nana and Papaw's fridge, therefore creating lots of messes that weekend.  She found Papaw's hat and Nana's shoes in the laundry room and had to have those.  Then thrown in the juice box and this is one good picture.
Nana then taught Lucy about licking the beaters after making cupcakes.  This is something my brother and I always did as kids, so of course, Lucy needed to be initiated.  Lucky her though, she got to have BOTH beaters.  She absolutely LOVED it.
Don't forget the spatula too.
Then we played outside with the hose.  It was mighty hot.
Then it was time to walk around Nana and Papaw's house and smell the flowers.
She had to check out every one of them.

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