Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Twins and their Heads

So I figured I should do a post on all the background and followup information the boys and their flat heads.  Starting at our 4 month check up, the pediatrician noticed that they were beginning to have some flattening to their heads.  She encouraged tummy time and all of that jazz and said we would just watch it.  At their 6 month appointment, nothing had really gotten any worse, but they definitely still had flattened spots on their heads, so just to be sure, the pediatrician wanted us to see a Craniofacial Plastic Surgeon.  She wanted to be sure that if any intervention needed to happen (i.e. helmets), that we be able to have the best possible outcome, which meant doing it as early as possible.

We met with the plastic surgeon 6 weeks ago and after examination, he determined that Lucas, although he did have flatterning, would likely outgrow his flattening and round out his head on his own (although it may not be perfect.)  However, he was concerned about the way that Liam's was flat.  It's hard to explain, but based on his exam, he was worried that one or more of the sutures of the bones of the skull had prematurely fused together (something that shouldn't happen until much later in life).  If this had happened, he would need surgery in order to "unbreak" the fusion and allow the brain to grow without any trouble.  So, Liam had to have a head CT in order to rule out if this had happened.  Liam was an absolute champ and needed no sedation for the CT.  He sat perfectly still and made Mommy so proud.  Today, we met with the plastic surgeon again to find out the results.  There is some partial fusion in a couple areas, but not in the area he was concerned about.  All of the other sutures are wide open and are perfect.  He feels that the small area that has fused will not cause any harm and Liam will grow through it (although there will still be more follow up).  He also doesn't feel that helmets will be necesary for either of them.  They may never have perfectly round heads, but with time, they will round out more than they are now.  Because the flattening hasn't effected any of their facial features, he didn't recommend the helmets.  THANK GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!!!  The boys go back in 3 months for another follow up to ensure that nothing has changed, but good news as of now.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lucy's First Trip to the Dentist

We've being meaning to do it for awhile, but Lucy finally had her first visit to the dentist.  She was actually very excited to go, thanks to one of her favorite shows Caillou.  Ever since watching the episode where Caillou goes to the dentist, she's been asking to go.  We took her to Fishers Pediatric Dentistry and had a GREAT experience.  It's such a kid friendly atmosphere.  Everything is decorated like the beach.  They explained everything to Lucy as they went.  She is already ready to go back.  She did such a great job.
Waiting for it all to begin 
One of the girls explaining the tools to Lucy 
The dentist showing her some more tools 
Getting all cleaned up 
To go with the beach theme, all the chairs were shaped like surfboards.  It was really cute.  Lucy even sat through X-rays (no pictures of that though).  It was such a pleasant experience and would definitely recommend them if you are in the area.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

SEVEN Months Old

(Lucas - left, Liam, right)

Another month gone by.  The twins are 7 months old.  The are getting SO big and strong.  Their personalities are really starting to come through as well.  Lucas is definitely the more calm and reserved one and he is the better sleeper.  Liam is a little more loud and wants to be noticed, and therefore feels the need to wake up an extra time each night.  No appointment this month, but they were measured as the Plastic Surgeon's office and each weighed around 18 pounds, so they are growing like weeds.  The still love to jump in the jumperoo.  They are getting really good at sitting up and playing with their toys.  If they fall over, they roll around to get where they need to be.  They love being outside.  We try and take walks and be outside as the weather permits.  Lucy still loves her role as big sister.  If one of them is fussing, she loves to tell us, "It's OK, I'll make them happy."  She is too cute with them.  Each day they get better and better with food.  We have moved onto stage 2 foods, because they don't seem to be too fond of the runny stage 1.  They have 3 teeth (two on the bottom, 1 on the top) and are working on the 4th tooth.  The whole house is battling a cold, so sleeping and eating aren't going as well as they could with the boys, but hopefully we will all be well soon.  It's hard to believe we are already more than halfway to a year.  Things change so quickly.  We are truly blessed.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Recent Favorite Pics

I can't take credit for any of these pictures...they were all taken by my good friend Stefanie on a recent trip to the zoo.
My pretty princess Lucy 
My blue-eyed, red-headed miracles 
Me and my boys

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pumpkin Patch with the Phillips Family

It's that time of year again.  Pumpkin patch time.  We made our annual trip to Stoney Creek Farms to get our pumpkins.  This year we went with the Phillips family and Lucy's BFFs Ella and Addi.  This time last year, Lucy had her first ever playdate with Ella at Stoney Creek Farms.  How fun!!!  We love going to Stoney Creek.  Lots of fun things for kids to do and a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin.  We learned our lesson from last year and went at the very beginning of the season so that we had a large selection of pumpkins to choose from.  The weather was perfect and the whole crew had a great time.
Lucy is all ready to go! 
Lucy was so excited to ride the ponies again this year. 
She even gave this horse a kiss (but I didn't capture it on camera). 
Lucy and her BFF Ella (she is just a couple months older than Lucy) 
Jumping on the big pillow 
So much fun! 
Look at that excitement on her face 
The pony ride was so much fun, we had to do it again. 
The petting zoo area is always a big hit.  I believe Lucy kissed one of these goats as well. 
Lucy, Addi, and Ella watching the animals.  TOO CUTE! 
All three climbed to the top of the straw tower 
The whole family on the hayride to pick pumpkins 
Ready to find some pumpkins 
Lucy chose this pumpkin to take a short rest 
All three with their pumpkins 
Lucy showing hers off 
Of course we had to visit the playground in order to swing 
Ella and Lucy being silly