Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fairs, Fairs, and more Fairs

We visited a few fairs this summer. Lucy loves animals, so it was a good opportunity to see animals and eat some yummy food. We went to the Hamilton County Fair, Johnson County Fair, and the Indiana State Fair.
Lucy loved the llamas
The goat was trying to eat Lucy's shirt
Lucy played a "grab the duck" game.  She was able to keep picking ducks until she won.  She loved it.
We couldn't get both kids to look at the camera, but the cow cooperated.
Man those horses were big
A fair is not complete without a "round and round"
You were able to buy feed to give to the goats.  You could tell these goats had been doing this for awhile.  Lucy thought it was fun to have them lick her hands.  However, she did NOT like to feed the pigs.  They were a little rougher and would root and kind of nibble on her hand.  She burst into tears, followed by saying, "no pigs, no pigs."  Sorry Papaw Gordon and Uncle Mark, Lucy doesn't share your love of pigs.
being silly
This one is for Papaw Gordon
Lucy even got to ride a real pony.  I kept asking her if she wanted to ride a horse, and she thought I was talking about the "round and round."  She really liked it though.
Proof that she got to ride a pony

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