Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Years Old

Lucy officially turned two years old on August 19th.  She had her 2 year doctor appointment the following day.  The doctor said she was "perfect."  She has met all of the milestones necessary for her age.  Her official stats are:
Height:  35 inches (81st percentile)
Weight: 26.5 pounds (48th percentile)

She is at such a fun age.  Here are some fun Lucy 2 year facts:

  • Talks nonstop and can tell us pretty much everything she wants

  • Along with nonstop talking comes a temper when she doesn't get her way.  She has her pouting skills perfected.

  • LOVES animals.  We make frequent trips to the petstore just so she can see animals (when there isn't time for the zoo.)

  • Is still fascinated by all books.  She has a few books that she can "read" all by herself.  She can say one or two words from each page that she remembers from it being read to her over and over.

  • Loves to chase and play with the dog.  Molly is getting better about not immediately running away if Lucy comes near.  I think they will be good buddies.

  • Is in the very beginning stages of potty training.  She will sit on a potty for awhile, but so far no actually production in the potty.  It's still early, so we aren't pushing it.

  • She moved to the next room at daycare.  She's now the youngest again, but already has done a ton in the new room.  They are always making/doing projects, so there are lots of things that she is bringing home.  She's still adjusting though, and drop-offs still end in tears, but she'll get used to the new room and teachers soon.

  • Loves all things Mickey Mouse and Princess.  Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still a favorite and the movie in the car is usually a Disney Princess movie.

  • LOVES being outside and playing with the kids in the neighborhood, especially the next door neighbor Tori who is only 4 days older than Lucy.

  • Can identify most shapes and colors (when she's not being silly and saying the wrong thing on purpose)
She amazes us every day with something new that she has learned to say or do.  It's so much fun to watch the wheels turning.  She's an absolute joy in our lives and we can't wait for what's ahead.

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