Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fun with Pumpkins

We carved our pumpkins this evening. When I say "we," I mean that Jason carved our pumpkins this evening. Lucy enjoyed helping pull out all of the insides, but of course the actual carving was a little too dangerous, so we left that to daddy. This will definitely be a yearly tradition for us. It was a lot of fun, plus we got a yummy snack out of the pumpkin seeds as well.

"What do I do with this?"
Let me get that out for you Daddy
It helps if you have your tongue out
Dig, Dig, Dig
The finished products

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Party

We went to a Halloween party today at Gymboree with our friends Eleni and her son Wes. Lucy went as Pebbles. She loved climbing around on all of the equipment and dancing to all of the music. She even got to have snack time and decorate a pumpkin. It was virtually impossible to get any good pictures. She's at the age where she refuses to sit still or look at the camera for any pictures, so you just have to hope for the best with action shots. Here is what I could get from the day.
After naptime, we went back to Eleni and Scott's house for dinner and so that Lucy and Wes could play. She liked riding on his Tonka truck and playing with his Thomas the Train table.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lucy Dancing

Lucy has an alphabet magnet toy that is on our door to the garage (we have a stainless refrigerator, so that's the only place it can go). She loves to play the music on it and show off her moves. She is definitely getting some more rhythm to her dancing. She will literally stop what she is doing to dance if she hears a good song come on. Here are her moves.

Lucy and the Laundry

Lucy is fascinated with everything in the laundry room. She must empty out all the laundry from the laundry baskets. She has to take out the clothes from the dryer and hand them to you for you to fold them. If you take clothes out of the washer, she gets mad if you don't hand them to her so that she can put them in the dryer. Here is a video of Lucy being a "big helper" in the laundry room. If you watch closely, you can see her clap for herself after each thing that she puts into the dryer.

Lucy's First Haircut

Lucy got her first haircut yesterday. Her hair was definitely getting long in places and uneven, so it needed to be dealt with. We were prepared for the worst, but she did absolutely great. She had a movie to watch and snacks to eat, so that kept her partially distracted. She was still very interested in what the women with the comb and scissors was trying to do to her, but there were no meltdowns, so we considered it a success. She looks completely different. It may be a little too short, but luckily hair grows fast, so as long as I keep it trimmed so that it's even, I can let it grow out. Here are some pics from her experience.

The "before" picture. All ready in the firetruck.

Busy eating her snack"Can I help you do this?"The "after" picture.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Today we visited Stoneycreek Farm to check out the activities and get some pumpkins. It was a little chilly outside, but overall, it was a perfect fall day. Lucy had a terrific time and we are already looking forward to next year since she will be able to enjoy even more of what they all had to offer. Here are some pics from the day.
Lucy walking through the straw maze
We tried to get her to stick her head through - this is as good as we could get
Daddy and Lucy riding the pedal carts
Lucy LOVED the animals. She was smiling nonstop and constantly wanted to reach out for them. She wasn't scared of them at all.
She was happiest when we let her roam free and look around.
Our family on the hayride to get our pumpkins.
Lucy liked all of the large pumpkins. She would try and pick them up and then get mad because she couldn't. She LOVED them.
Trying "real hard" to pick up the big pumpkin
Looks like a perfect place to take a break.
This one is more her size.
Lucy riding with our goods.
We had such a great time and can't wait to do it again.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Our Deck

Early autumn from the deck

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Lucy's new favorite thing to do is "read." She loves to bring books over to you, turn around, and back up and sit on your lap so that you can read the book to her. She turns the pages too fast for you to actually read the book, but it is still adorable. She loves to point to the things in the book and say "see" or "this." She is so much fun.


I finally updated the blog. There are several new posts below (you might even have to go back a page if you haven't seen the San Diego trip.) Sorry for the lack of blogging. It's been slightly crazy around here. Lucy has been sick again, but she's getting better, so I'm trying to get caught up on things. Have a great weekend!