Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One Year Old

Lucy is one year old. Wow, how a year can fly by. It's amazing how much she has changed in the last year. It's impossible to remember what our lives were like before Lucy. She brings joy to each and every day. Amazingly, she sat still for this picture. You can still see in her poor eyes that she doesn't feel 100%, but she is smiling, so that must mean something. Here is what Lucy is up to these days.
  • Weight (at one-year appt.) = 20 pounds (32nd percentile)
  • Height (at one-year appt.) = 30 inches (78th percentile)
  • She has twelve teeth - the 4 front ones on top and bottom plus all four of her molars. She is already working on cutting her incisors. You can see them getting ready to come through. She must be in a hurry to get teeth over with.
  • She is officially walking. She chooses to walk most times now over crawling.
  • Completely off of formula and drinking whole milk which she LOVES. She drinks it better than she ever drank formula.
  • NO MORE BOTTLES. Once we stopped formula, we went ahead and stopped bottles (she was only using one at bedtime). Turns out, she doesn't need a bedtime bottle to sleep through the night.
  • Still sleeping through the night. Goes to bed around 8pm. On daycare days, we have to wake her up at 5:45am, but if we don't have to wake her up, she sleeps until 7-8am.
  • Still LOVES the dog and it is her favorite word to say. Just about everything is considered dog.
  • Favorite toys: books, ball machine, learning table, any kind of blocks
  • Favorite foods: hot dogs, mandarin oranges, peas, carrots, green beans, pancakes, ravioli, macaroni and cheese

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy birthday Lucy!!!!!!