Tuesday, September 22, 2009

San Diego Day 1

The beginning of September, we took our first long family vacation that required a plane ride. We drove down to Cincinnati so that we could have a direct, 4 hour flight, to San Diego, California. Armed with lots of activities and plenty of snacks, we felt very prepared for the journey. Lucy did remarkably well for her first plane ride. The cabin pressure did not seem to bother her and she seemed completely content with taking a nap and passing the time with reading books and playing with her toys. All in all, it was a success and we would definitely do it again.

The first day, we pretty much didn't do anything because we attempted to adjust Lucy to the time difference. So drove around to check out the surroundings and hung out at the hotel.

She seemed happy to be on the planeLucy and daddyThe view coming inDowntown San Diego as we were landingOur hotel for the week

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