Sunday, April 24, 2011


Easter weekend was an extremely exhausting, yet fun weekend.  Lots of traveling with three kids (a new experience for us).  Saturday was spent in North Vernon at Jason's grandma's house, then Easter morning we were at home for a little while before we headed to my parent's house for Easter with my family.  Lots of family, lots of driving, and lots of fun and laughter.  We started out a week before Easter with decorating eggs.  Lucy had SOOO much fun and Nana came over to help.  Here are a few (maybe alot) pictures of the festivities.
Nana showing Lucy how to color her eggs 
Didn't take long and she was doing it herself (her fingers were multicolored to prove it) 
So excited to stop and take a picture for Mommy 
Showing off her finished product 
Easter with Jason's family.  The 4 older nieces and nephew.  There are 3 more with the twins and Jason's sister's little girl. 
Lucy got all kinds of princess gear.  She is definitely a girly girl. 
A gift wouldn't be complete without stickers.  That girl loves her some stickers. 
The Easter bunny visited our house. 
Checking out her goods 
A new baseball mit to practice with Daddy. 
Her "big" present was a Hide and Seek bunny that she wanted because her best friend Tori next door has one. 
Checking out what the Easter bunny brought her at Nana's (my mom's) house 
Ready to hunt Easter eggs 
She did such a great job finding the eggs 
She had to open each one as she found them 
There's another one 
Lucy LOVED playing with Logan.  She was all over him the whole day. 
Lucy and Logan looking for something cool outside 
The whole family 
Papaw and Nana with all their grandkids 
Great-grandma Gordon (Oldham) with the twins 
Four generations 
Great-grandpa Oldham with the twins 
We realized that we didn't have a picture of my Dad with the twins, so we got one on Easter.

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