Wednesday, June 15, 2011

THREE Months Old

(Liam - left, Lucas - right)
The twins are three months old.  They don't have a doctor appointment for this month, so I don't have updated weights, but it is obvious that they are still growing like weeds.  They keep getting bigger and stronger everyday.  They have changed quite a bit in this past month.  They started smiling and cooing.  They are more awake and alert for greater periods of time.  They still wake up once overnight to eat, but overall they are doing good with sleeping.  Reflux doesn't really seem to be much of an issue anymore.  We keep trying different things to make it better.  They moved to their cribs and out of our room this month.  So far, so good.  I know that I sleep more soundly because I can't hear every single sound that they make over the monitor.  Evening time is still a little rough.  They both suffer from the "witching hours" of crying and fussiness, but hopefully it won't last forever.  We're managing.
Lucy wanted to get in on the picture taking too.  That doesn't happen very often.

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