Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 Month Appointment

Lucy had her 4 month appointment on Friday. The pediatrician said that she is perfect (which we already knew). She is fighting a cold right now and has a terrible runny nose, but it doesn't seem to bother her, except when you try to wipe her nose. She sometimes sounds like a little piglet with her breathing which is actually kind of cute, but we hope she gets better soon. Here are her stats.
Weight: 14 pounds (60th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (95th percentile)
Based on those numbers, I wonder which parent she will take after. Tall and skinny???? We were given the official go ahead to start solid food, so we are planning on starting that on Monday with some rice cereal. I'll be sure and post some pictures of that experience, because I'm anticipating that it will be quite messy.

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