Wednesday, December 2, 2009

15 Months Old

Lucy is officially 15 months old. Time sure does fly by. It's hard to believe that we are getting so close to celebrating our second Christmas with her already. Lucy had her 15 month appointment last week and her stats were:
Weight: 22 pounds 4 ounces = 40th percentile
Height: 32.5 inches = 94th percentile
Still on the path to being just like daddy, tall and skinny. Lucy is definitely keeping us busy these days. She is growing up so fast and learning so much every day. It's so much fun now that she is getting to an age where she can really understand the things that you are saying and will actually do something when you say it, and interact with you. Here are some Lucy tidbits:

  • Absolutely LOVES music, and therefore loves to dance. If a good song comes on the TV, she will show us her moves. She also knows where the IPOD dock is, and will go over to it and push stuff as an indication that she would like us to turn it on.
  • Loves to read books. She will bring you a book, turn around and back up into your lap so that you can read to her. She also has been doing alot of independent "reading."
  • Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. For some reason she calls is Elmo (at least that's what it sounds like she says). We don't watch Elmo, and the only time she ever hears the word Elmo is in one of her books, but I swear that's what she calls Mickey. Her favorite part is to dance at the end to the Hot Dog dance.
  • LOVES to give hugs and kisses (our absolute favorite). The funniest part is that she pats your back as she gives you a hug. It's absolutely adorable.
  • Still thinks the dog is wonderful, and still not sure the feeling is completely mutual. She loves to grab toys out of Molly's basket and try to get her to play with them. Molly isn't always very receptive.
  • VERY talkative. Some of her frequent and favorite words are hi, bye-bye, ball, mama, dada, uh-oh, duck, book, night-night, bath, nana, no-no, more, all done.
  • Can tell you what a cow, sheep, dog, and fish say. A fish says blub-blub by the way. It's from her animal book, and it's one of her favorite ones to do.
  • Can point to her eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and belly as well as say them at the same time.
  • Loves to climb and get into anything and everything that she possibly can. If she can't reach something that she wants and she can see, she gets mad. She definitely has a little temper on her.
She has changed so much in the past few months and is like a sponge when it comes to learning new things. It's so fun to watch her concentrate and try and figure something out. She's definitely a thinker. Of course you can't have a post without a picture, so here's a recent picture of our little princess as well.

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